

Coca-Cola North America has announced that it will launch Diet Coke Plus™, a sparkling, calorie-free beverage with vitamins and minerals. In addition to providing refreshing taste, Diet Coke Plus is a good source of vitamins B3, B6, and B12, and the minerals zinc and magnesium.
Diet Coke Plus will be available throughout the U.S. in April in retail stores where other Diet Coke products are sold.
Each eight-ounce serving of Diet Coke Plus provides a good source of Niacin (vitamin B3), vitamins B6 and B12, zinc and magnesium (15% Daily Value [DV] for Niacin, B6 and B12, 10% DV for zinc and magnesium). Diet Coke Plus is the newest member of the Diet Coke family, which includes the flagship Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Lime, Diet Cherry Coke, and Diet Coke Sweetened with Splenda.
The launch of Diet Coke Plus will be supported by an integrated marketing plan to drive awareness and trial. Introductory communications will carry the tagline "Great Taste Has Its Benefits" and will let consumers know that they now have another way to enjoy Diet Coke -- one that tastes great and contains several essential vitamins and minerals.
